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Update your researcher profile

Do you need to update your researcher profile? If so, the Research Communications Office is here to help you highlight your latest research online.

The Markey Cancer Center Researcher Directory is a tool for fostering collaboration between cancer researchers. Researcher profiles include information such as the member's research program, faculty appointments, grants and contracts awarded, research focus, publications, and much more.

It is important that your latest information is on display, so please visit the research directory to see if your profile is up-to-date. 

Make changes to your profile

To edit your researcher profile, log in to the Scholars@UK website using your LinkBlue credentials. After logging in, return to your profile and click the edit button under your profile photo. A new window will open where you can edit your profile. Remember to click the blue save button at the bottom of that window to save your changes. Note: It may take a few minutes for changes to appear on your profile.

A step-by-step guide of frequent profile edits is available on the Scholars@UK Help page. 



Scholars@UK Help and Support

Live training sessions are conducted monthly via Zoom. These sessions are great to ask specific questions the help site does not address. See the upcoming dates and times of trainings

Additionally, you may email for support.



Markey Assistance

A limited number of Markey staff have access to make changes to your profile and are available to assist you with questions or if you need help editing your profile. For assistance, please email Phillip Strunk in Markey’s Research Communication Office.