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Patient, Parent and Family Advisory Councils

UK HealthCare is committed to improving partnerships with patients, parents and families. These partnerships can be strengthened through our patient and family advisory councils. We provide our healthcare system with insight, feedback and information from a patient and family perspective. This information allows us to continually improve our quality, safety and service, and patient experience.

Our Councils

Below is a list of our councils and some of their most recent accomplishments.


  • Provided feedback on our Women’s Heart Health Program
  • Partnered with Vascular Clinic staff to revamp test-prep instructions
  • Provided feedback on pre-operative transplant education

Kentucky Children’s Hospital

  • Partnered with the children’s hospital leadership to create a family-friendly environment in our temporary respiratory unit in the Makenna David Pediatric Emergency Department
  • Provided feedback on the artist selection for a mural in our Behavioral Health Unit
  • Presented on a parent’s view of quality and safety to the Kentucky Children’s Hospital Quality and Safety Committee

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

  • Partnered with NICU leadership to create a flyer and education program on the prevention of unplanned extubations during Kangaroo Care
  • Partnered with NICU research nurses to revamp the research engagement process for NICU families
  • Provided feedback on communication with families of infants being transported to our NICU

Employee (for current UK HealthCare Employees)

  • Provided feedback to improve care for patients with sensory needs receiving care in our labs
  • Provided feedback on our Social Drivers of Health questionnaire
  • Provided feedback on the design of the Cancer and Advanced Ambulatory Building, slated for completion in 2027

Cystic Fibrosis

  • Partnered with clinic staff to design and implement a pre-clinic survey
  • Provided feedback on managing clinic no-show rate
  • Provided feedback on UK HealthCare COVID policy


  • Partnered with a UK College of Nursing student to design an LGBTQIA+ simulated patient script
  • Participated in journey mapping with the UK HealthCare Office of Patient Experience team
  • Provided feedback on the “MyChart Bedside” project

UK HealthCare

  • Partnered with a nurse navigator at the UK Markey Cancer Center on a patient survey
  • Provided feedback on UK HealthCare’s signage plan
  • Provided feedback on the Cancer and Advanced Ambulatory Building and ambulatory expansion sites
Parent, Patient & Family Seal of Approval

Parent, Patient & Family Seal of Approval

Many educational resources and communication pieces are taken to our advisory councils for feedback. The Seal of Approval is added to a document if the group collectively approves it.


What is a Patient, Parent and Family Advisor?

Advisors are patients, family members, caregivers and employees who have received care at UK HealthCare or cared for someone who has been our patient and are willing to share their experiences to help us improve care.

What are the expectations of a Patient, Parent and Family Advisor?

Advisors are expected to regularly attend advisory council meetings. Meetings are held 10 times a year or less and are hybrid (in-person and on Zoom).

I’m interested! How can I get more information?

We would love to talk with you about our Patient, Parent and Family Advisory Councils. Please fill out this interest form, and we will reach out to you within 3 business days. You can also reach us by email at or phone at 859-323-4963.