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Throwback Thursday: Dr. Scottie Day

Scottie Day at graduation.

For this week’s Throwback Thursday, we caught up with Dr. Scottie Day, physician-in-chief of Kentucky Children’s Hospital. Dr. Day shared a picture of himself (and his future wife, who is also a physician), and confirmed that, while medical school was as hard as he expected, he wouldn’t have changed a thing:

“In the beginning, it was as hard as I expected, but it was a place where you were going through life and career as a team with the comradery of the medical school class. 

The cadaveric smell on our scrubs would make us more exclusive because no one wanted to sit beside the class that had spent long days in gross anatomy lab. 

Actually, I met my future wife during medical school, so I would not change that for the world.”

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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