Bloodborne Pathogen and Occupational Exposures
Formerly known as the "red packet", to report a Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure you will now log into MyUK and select "Occupational Exposures". This will direct you to complete a questionnaire to report your Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure. Below you will find directions for how to report the exposure in MyUK as well as a copy of the source patient lab slip.
This is for employees paid directly by UK HealthCare, Eastern State Hospital employees, and students enrolled at the University of Kentucky.
Occupational Exposures (Non-Bloodborne)Formerly known as the "yellow packet" the forms below provide step-by-step guidance on how to create a Workers' Compensation claim for incidents that do not involve a bloodborne pathogen exposure. The forms can only be used by employees paid directly by UK HealthCare and Eastern State Hospital employees.
Employee Health cannot see contracted employees. If a contractor or traveler experiences a non-blood exposure or injury, they will contact the HR department of the company they are paid by to create a Workers’ Compensation claim.