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ICD Registry Data

ICD stands for “implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.” A doctor places it under the skin. It has wires that run to the heart. They are used to:

  • Prevent death from cardiac arrest.
  • Help patients with heart rhythm problems.

At UK HealthCare, we report placement data to the ICD Registry. This allows us to compare patient data with other hospitals. It is also a measure of our quality of care.

Below are three sets of data (metrics) on ICD patients.

1. Was implanting an ICD appropriate for the patient?

There are recommended guidelines for the use of ICDs. They are based on research. The guidelines weigh the benefits and risks of ICD placement. Here are the guidelines for appropriate treatment:

  • Class I: The benefits significantly outweigh the risks. ICD should be placed.
  • Class IIa: The benefits outweigh the risks. It is reasonable to place the ICD.
  • Class IIb: The benefits are equal to or greater than the risks. Placing an ICD may be considered.

This graph shows the patients that received an ICD for classes I, IIa and IIb in quarter two 2019. A higher number is better. The average performance for U.S. hospitals reporting to ICD Registry is 87%. Our score is 94.3%. Six percent of cases were complex cases and not included in the appropriate use criteria which is why we do not reach 100%.

2. Were there complications after the placement?

Risk-Adjusted Complications is a set of data that shows the number of deaths or related health problems for ICD patients. It looks at the time frame from implantation to discharge. The data takes into account each patient’s health problem.

Here, a lower score is better. The average performance for U.S. hospitals reporting to ICD Registry is 0% Risk-Adjusted Complication rate. Our performance is 0.5%. 

3. Did the ICD patients get the right medicines?

Studies show that ICD patients do better when they take the right medicines at home. Three medicines recommended for ICD patients are ACE inhibitors (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors), ARBs (angiotensin receptor blockers), and beta blockers.

This graph shows what part of the eligible patients receive these medicines on discharge. A higher number is better. This compares us to all U.S. hospitals reporting to the ICD Registry. The average performance for U.S. hospitals reporting to ICD Registry is 90.5%. Our performance in this metric is 98%.

This graph shows the same metric comparing UK HealthCare with Kentucky hospitals.

*Data source

The American College of Cardiology’s ICD Registry® University of Kentucky Institutional ACC NCDR  eReports Dashboard, ACC KY Chapter ICD registry access Reports .  The ICD Registry is the only nationwide outcomes-based quality improvement program for hospitals performing implantable cardioverter- defibrillator procedure. There were 1239 US Hospitals submitting data to the ICD Registry in quarter two 2019. From those 15 Hospitals in KY with successful submissions.