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UK HealthCast: Dr. Jens Rosenau on hepatitis C diagnosis, care

Dr. Jens Rosenau

UK HealthCast is a podcast featuring interviews with UK HealthCare experts on a variety of health-related topics, from how to recognize stroke symptoms to what patients need to know about clinical trials and more.

On this week’s episode, gastroenterologist Dr. Jens Rosenau discusses hepatitis C diagnosis, treatment and who is at risk. 

“The good news is we have very good treatment options available these days. Within the last probably five or six years, we’ve gotten a lot of very good, effective options, so we can cure almost everybody now,” said Dr. Rosenau. 

“We have an interdisciplinary team at the University of Kentucky, where treatment is driven by pharmacists. You will see a provider in our clinic who will discuss hepatitis C with you. We will find out how you got infected and when you got infected. We'll educate you about the possible course of hepatitis C – if it is not treated – and we will discuss treatments. We will discuss drug interactions and potential side effects – all these things with you.” 

Listen to the full podcast with Dr. Rosenau below. 

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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