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UK HealthCast: Discussing organ donation with Melinda Fox of the UK Transplant Center

Melinda Fox

UK HealthCast is a series of podcasts and video interviews featuring UK HealthCare experts discussing a variety of health-related topics.

For this edition we spoke to Melinda Fox, practice administrator for the UK Transplant Center, about organ donation.

Fox discussed the importance of donation, how to become a donor and the transplant services provided at UK HealthCare, among other topics.   

During the week of Nov. 9-13, the University of Kentucky and the University of Louisville will compete in the Rivals for Life contest to see which school's fanbase can sign up more people for the Kentucky Organ Donor Registry. When you sign up, it means you could save a life.

To register as a UK fan, click here.

To register as a UofL fan, click here.

Watch our UK HealthCast interview with Melinda Fox below to learn more. You can also visit the UK Transplant Center homepage here for more information or go to to register as an organ donor. 

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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