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UK HealthCare's clinic at Kroger Field a great option for COVID-19 vaccination

Kroger Field

All Kentucky residents 16 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccination. UK HealthCare’s vaccine clinic at Kroger Field is a safe and easy option to help protect yourself and your loved ones against the virus. 

You can visit to schedule an appointment Mondays through Saturdays at Kroger Field, located on the University of Kentucky campus in Lexington. Once you arrive for your shot, the vaccination process is fast and efficient. 

Dr. Ashley Montgomery-Yates, Assistant Chief Medical Officer at UK HealthCare, helped design the program for vaccinating UK HealthCare workers and helped transition that operation to Kroger Field. As of April, more than 200,000 vaccinations have been given at the clinic. 

“It became obvious that we really had a system that worked well, so we began talking about how to expand, and the Kroger Field clinic evolved very quickly,” said Montgomery-Yates, who worked on the plan with UK HealthCare Chief Pharmacist Philip Almeter. “It became more of a long-term project. And after we got into the swing of it, it was easier.” 

Montgomery-Yates encourages anyone who remains hesitant about the vaccine to trust the scientific evidence that supports getting vaccinated. 

“Please do not get your information about things that are life and death from social media. Anybody can post anything on the internet, it doesn't make it fact. If you want to make decisions about things that are truly life and death, you should go to the evidence,” Montgomery-Yates said. “… This vaccine is incredibly effective, more so than any vaccine we've probably seen in our recent history.”

Sign up to receive your COVID-19 vaccination at UK HealthCare’s Kroger Field clinic here:

This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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