For this edition of Making the Rounds, we interviewed Dr. LaTawnya Peasant, pediatric nephrologist at Kentucky Children’s Hospital.
We spoke with Dr. Pleasant about her work and how her background helps her relate to patients.
What does a pediatric nephrologist do?
A pediatric nephrologist is a physician that takes care of any type of disease that affects kids' kidneys. So, for instance, blood in the urine, protein in the urine, headaches that could be a sign of hypertension in children, these are the things that we take care of.
Kentucky Children's Hospital has three pediatric nephrologists as well as a nurse practitioner that is here to help treat any kidney disease that children in Kentucky may be experiencing. We offer dialysis acutely as well as chronically.
What led you to this line of work?
I became a pediatrician based off my pediatrician when I was a young child. I was fascinated by how he cared for me as well as the other patients in his office. I also decided to further my training in pediatric nephrology due to my current partner Dr. Stefan Kiessling. He was a great role model and taught me that the kidneys are awesome.
How does your personal experience inform your work?
As a mother of four children as well as a working mom, I can highly relate to all of the questions and concerns that we develop along the way as parents. It is OK to be nervous. It's OK to be anxious. It's OK to get stressed.
What’s the best part of your job?
The coolest part of my job is just taking care of kids. Kids love to feel better, they love to get better, and they will do whatever they need to do in order to achieve that. The other best thing about my job is watching children grow with their parents. To watch the relationship that they develop along the way is priceless.