On World Voice Day, take time to celebrate your voice

Written by JoAnna Sloggy, a speech-language pathologist and singing-voice specialist at the UK Voice and Swallow Clinic.
In the U.S., 7.5 million people have trouble using their voices. We often forget the important role voice plays in our daily lives. On Sunday, April 16, World Voice Day is a time to stop and consider the importance of the human voice in every part of our daily lives. World Voice Day aims to celebrate the human voice and raise awareness for voice disorders, vocal health, vocal training and voice research.
What causes voice disorders?
Voice is created by vibration of the vocal folds, and a voice disorder occurs when the vocal folds are unable to vibrate well enough to create a clear vocal sound. A voice disorder may be caused by voice overuse or misuse, neck and throat injuries or growths, and diseases such as cancer or Parkinson’s disease. Voice adds intent, mood and meaning to the words we speak – imagine the interpersonal loss of not being able to express yourself vocally through speech or song.
Most people have experienced temporary vocal problems such as hoarseness or loss of voice due to allergies, colds or cheering too enthusiastically for your favorite team. Usually, voice returns to normal within several days. However, if a voice change lasts for longer than two weeks, the problem should be checked by your doctor.
Be sure to practice vocal hygiene
To keep your voice healthy, follow these vocal hygiene recommendations.
- Listen to how your voice sounds. Hoarseness or other voice changes lasting longer than two weeks should be evaluated by a voice care team, such as an otolaryngologist and a speech-language pathologist who specializes in voice disorders.
- Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water to keep your vocal folds and voice box well lubricated.
- Quit smoking. Tobacco, nicotine, chemicals, inhaled heat and other substances can cause inflammation and swelling of the voice box and cause cancer in the mouth, nose, throat and lungs.
- Avoid screaming, cheering loudly or talking over loud noise. These behaviors cause damage to the vocal fold tissue and strain to the voice muscles.
- Limit alcohol and caffeine. These substances have a drying effect on the vocal folds.
- Avoid repeated throat clearing and/or coughing. These behaviors can cause vocal damage. Try sipping water and swallowing hard when you have the urge to cough or throat clear.
- Manage acid reflux. Stomach acid can damage the tissue of your throat and cause hoarseness and other vocal problems.
- Give your voice a rest when recovering from hoarseness. When your vocal folds are swollen and inflamed, there is increased risk of vocal damage. Until your voice returns to normal, avoid straining or forcing your voice.
- Give your voice a break. Vocal “naps” are good when your voice is tired from overuse or from talking too loudly.
You are never too young or too old to stop and check your vocal health. Making changes to improve or maintain your good voice habits will benefit your health for years to come. This World Voice Day, take time today to celebrate your voice!
This column is scheduled to run in the Lexington Herald-Leader this weekend.
Next steps:
- The UK Voice & Swallow Clinic provides a full range of services for patients, including testing, care planning and therapy. Learn more.
- Learn how vocal cord disorder can cause breathing difficulties for athletes.