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UK Pediatric Therapies


Physical, occupational and speech/language therapies

Pediatric Therapies at Child Development Center of the Bluegrass helps children develop skills through purposeful activities and maximize their full potential. The programs offer outpatient pediatric therapy and evaluations for speech/language, occupational therapy and physical therapy.

The program is based on the principle that children are unique individuals who develop at their own pace and need a supportive, challenging environment that includes age-appropriate opportunities for learning new skills.

Child Development Center of the Bluegrass offers full-day preschool services to children with and without special needs from six weeks of age until kindergarten eligible. For more information about childcare needs, please visit the Child Development Center of the Bluegrass website

Our licensed pediatric therapists are able to evaluate, treat and provide customized therapeutic plans and develop home programs to help your child meet his/her goals.

  • Physical therapy focuses on improving overall gross motor function, balance, coordination, strength, muscle tone and quality of movement.
  • Occupational therapy focuses on helping children gain the functional skills they need for independence in play, learning, motor skill development, self-care (feeding and dressing), self-regulation, behavior and socialization.
  • Speech/Language therapy focuses on a child’s overall communication skills, including expressive and receptive language. Therapists also work to improve feeding concerns and can address swallowing difficulties.


Our nurturing and insightful therapists can assist with but are not limited to the following concerns:

  • Acquired brain injury
  • Apraxia
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Brachial Plexus Injury
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Developmental delays
  • Down Syndrome
  • Executive functioning
  • Fine motor/handwriting difficulties
  • Feeding concerns
  • Language delays
  • Neurological and genetic disorders
  • Pervasive Developmental Disorder
  • Pragmatics of social language
  • Reflex integration
  • Self-regulation
  • Sensory motor disorders
  • Sensory Processing Disorder
  • Speech/communication disorders
  • Torticollis

Therapy highlights

  • Individualized treatment
  • Multidisciplinary collaboration
  • Video viewing for session observation
  • Light gait trainer
  • Therasuits
  • Suspended equipment
  • The Listening Program
  • Augmentative and alternative communication
  • Handwriting Without Tears
  • Feeding program


To proceed with scheduling we will need an order from your child’s primary care provider and all the forms below completed and submitted by email to or faxed to 859-257-0284. Once we receive your forms, someone will contact you to schedule an appointment. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 859-218-2322.

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